
«We make the difference»

Looking for a local bank that puts a premium on customer proximity, expertise and security? Then we're the right address for you.

Brief profile

We're the leading universal bank for private and corporate clients in the canton of Aargau and have a lot to offer institutional investors too. Our strengths include personal advice that is tailor-made to you and regional proximity. Our service concept is clear and understandable. Expertise at AKB is not complicated - nor are our range of products and services. You'll receive exactly the advice you want. We're here for you at 32 branches in the canton of Aargau and in Olten-Gösgen-Gäu in the adjacent region of Solothurn. AKB has around 892 employees, 86 of whom are apprentices and trainees. We serve approximately 230 000 clients. The rating agency Standard & Poor's distinguished us with an AA+ rating, making us one of the best rated banks in the world. Aargauische Kantonalbank is 100% owned by the canton of Aargau and has a full state guarantee. Your money is safe with us.

AKB at a glance

Year of foundation 1913
Employees approx. 892
Apprentices and trainees 86
Branches 32
Total assets as at 31 December 2022 CHF 38.1 billion
Annual profit CHF 179.0 million
Profit distributed to the canton in 2022 CHF 92.0 million
Ownership structure 100%-owned by the canton of Aargau
State guarantee from the canton of Aargau 100%

Key figures

Balance sheet as at 31 December 2022 in CHF millions
Total assets 38 145.2
Loans to customers 25 347.5
Funds due to customers 24 283.8
Net equity before distribution of net profit 2 780.2
Income statement for 2022 in CHF millions
Net result from interest operations 311.7
Result from commission business and services 83.7
Result from trading activities and the fair value option 23.0
Other result from ordinary activities 7.1
Operating income 425.5
Personnel expenses -127.4
General and administrative expenses -81.0
- of which compensation for the state guarantee -11.9
Operating expenses -208.4
Value adjustments on participations and depreciation and amortisation of tangible fixed assets and intangible assets -7.3
Changes to provisions and other value adjustments, and losses 0.2
Business performance 209.5
Profit 179.0
Appropriation of profit in CHF millions
Assignment for statutory retained earnings 87.0
Assignment for voluntary retained earnings 0.0
Distribution to the canton 92.0
Business Volume in CHF millions
Client Assets 1) 33 385.1
Net new money 2 749.6
Business Volume 2) 62 427.4
Personnel 3)
FTE (Full-time equivalent) 764.3
- of which apprentices/trainees 42.2

1) Basis of calculation: deposited assets and client deposits (excl. corporate assets).
2) Basis of calculation: client assets, corporate assets and loans to customers.
3) FTE (full-time equivalent) is shown as part-time adjusted, apprentices, trainees and employees in the trainee pool are counted as 50 %.

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