Privacy Policy for Job Applicants and Employees

Last update: August 2023

1. Who is the controller for data processing purposes and whom can you contact?

The controller for data processing purposes is:

Aargauische Kantonalbank
Bahnhofplatz 1
5001 Aarau

If you have any questions concerning data protection in relation to job adverts or the employment contract, please contact:

Human Resources Management
Bahnhofplatz 1
5001 Aarau

2. Which personal data are processed?

AKB processes personal data from the following sources:

  • master data for the conclusion and implementation of the employment contract
  • data relating to the application, career history as well as core and advanced training that are received by AKB within the context of the job application procedure and during the course of the employment relationship
  • data obtained during the employment relationship (e.g. working time, performance and development, misconduct, qualifications, data concerning absences, incidents and investigations)
  • financial data for the calculation and payment of salaries and other remuneration (e.g. expenses)
  • technical data arising in relation to or from the usage of IT and office resources (e.g. IP addresses, usage data, accounts)
  • data contained in the results of work/communications
  • image and sound recordings, e.g. in relation to participation events as well as telephone and video discussions 
  • other data, which AKB is unable to list exhaustively here, although will indicate separately where necessary 

3. For what reason are personal data collected?

AKB processes personal data (personal data) for the following purposes:

  • communication with you
  • conduct of the job application process 
  • preparation for, establishment of, implementation of and termination of the employment relationship
  • staff administration (e.g. payroll)
  • career planning, core and advanced training
  • provision and operation of infrastructure
  • usage and exploitation of your work 
  • guaranteeing security (e.g. of networks and buildings), access controls, cyber defence
  • management and administration of the organisation
  • compliance (i.e. adherence to laws etc.), legal procedures and investigations
  • assessment of conduct and performance (e.g. qualifications), disciplinary measures
  • other purposes, concerning which you will be informed separately, where possible (e.g. events, employee surveys, third-party offers, advertising)

4. With whom are your data shared?

Within AKB your data are processed by the employees involved from Human Resources Management. Your data can otherwise only be accessed by the people involved in the selection process or who require these data within the context of their work for AKB (e.g. line managers).

AKB may only disclose information concerning you or make such information accessible to third parties if there is a legal basis for doing so (in particular under law or contract), if you have consented (e.g. in order to execute a financial transaction in accordance with your instructions) or if AKB is entitled to do so in order to obtain information. Potential recipients include:

  • service providers that process your data on behalf of AKB (e.g. IT providers) as well as those that do so under their own responsibility (e.g. insurers)
  • authorities in Switzerland and, where applicable, abroad (e.g. social insurance, courts, supervisory authorities)
  • business partners such as clients, suppliers, project partners and advisors (e.g. in the event that contact data and work products are shared)
  • other recipients such as the media, the general public (e.g. website visitors) or potential new employers, lessors, third parties (to which AKB provides e.g. references with your consent) as well as persons associated with you (e.g. family members)

5. Are your data transmitted abroad?

As a general rule, data may be transmitted to countries outside Switzerland (known as “third countries”). Your data may be processed both in Europe/the EEA as well as in the USA or, under exceptional circumstances, in any country around the world. If the recipient is situated in a country without an adequate level of statutory data protection, AKB undertakes to oblige the recipients under contract to comply with the applicable data protection requirements (by signing the EU standard contractual clauses). Data may be transferred abroad where this is necessary for the performance of a contract, if the data were published by you, in cases in which this is necessary in relation to legal proceedings abroad or with your consent.

6. How are your data protected?

AKB implements state-of-the-art technical and organisational measures in order to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, availability and transparency of your personal data, to protect them against unauthorised or unlawful processing and to protect against the risks of loss, inadvertent alteration, unintended disclosure or unauthorised access. 
AKB uses the system provided by the firm Abacus Research AG, 9300 Wittenbach for managing job applications. The software partner is obliged under contract to ensure confidentiality and data protection.

7. What rights do you have under data protection law?

Under the terms of the applicable data protection law, a data subject can exercise in particular the following rights in relation to data concerning him or her: the right to be informed whether any data are being processed, and if so which; the right to obtain the rectification of any data that are inaccurate; the right to the erasure of data; and the right to object on grounds relating to your particular situation.
AKB would inform you separately concerning any usage of automated decision making.

8. Can this Privacy Policy be amended?

AKB may amend this Privacy Policy at any time. The version published on this website is the relevant up-to-date version.